Are you tired of being bothered by midges? Well, we have a solution for you! With the arrival of the warm season, the number of insects in our gardens and homes increases. But fear not, as there is a trap specifically designed to get rid of these pesky pests. Here’s everything you need to know about it. Say Goodbye to Midge Troubles During the warm season, insects tend to find their way into our homes through open doors and windows. This can be quite frustrating, especially when it comes to midges. But don’t worry, we’ve got some effective remedies that will help you enjoy your summer days in peace. How to Get Rid of Midges While the warm season has many positive aspects, such as longer days and warmer weather, it also brings along some negative aspects. One of them is the increased presence of insects in our homes. Additionally, the summer season attracts various types of midges, especially around seasonal fruits. Have you ever found these little flies near your fruit basket? It’s a common occurrence for many of us. But fret not, there are natural methods that can make a big difference in eliminating midges without the need for chemical products. Let us share with you two super effective tricks. 1. Fly Trap Made from a Plastic Bottle Creating a fly trap using a plastic bottle is incredibly simple. All you need is a plastic bottle, preferably with a screw-on lid. First, make some holes in the lid of the bottle. Then, cut off the top third of the bottle and set it aside. Next, insert an element that attracts flies, such as apple cider vinegar or wine, into the bottom of the bottle. Once that’s done, turn the top of the bottle upside down and position it as if it were a funnel. Seal the top part of the bottle with tape. Now, you have a real fly trap! Place it near your fruit basket and watch as the midges are drawn towards it. The position of the cap prevents the midges from escaping. 2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Dish Soap Trap Another effective method to keep flies away is to create a trap using apple cider vinegar and dish soap. Mix the two ingredients in a jar and cover the container with a piece of aluminum foil. Continued on next page


Pierce the aluminum foil with a small needle, creating holes large enough for the flies to enter. Add another sheet of pierced aluminum foil on top, making sure the holes do not align with the lower sheet. Attach the aluminum foil to the ring of the jar to create a perfect fly trap.

Say goodbye to midge troubles with these easy and effective traps. Don’t let these annoying insects ruin your summer days anymore!