liminates odors from your bidet so you can easily use coffee grounds.
If you have faced this problem, you need to try to solve it quickly, you need to solve it in a simple way, it is cheap and efficient and you can be the owner of your problem. Learn more about the cause of the bidet smell, why coffee grounds work and how to apply this remedy.
Cause of bidet odor:
Bidets can emit a strong odor that causes water to swell inside the scar, which can lead to the buildup of mold and mildew. However, a leaky or built-in scar system can cause water to drain, causing stagnant water and subsequent odor problems. Using the product with harsh chemicals could subsequently upset the delicate balance of the scar system, causing odor problems.
Why coffee grounds: Coffee acts as an excellent odor absorber, thanks to substances such as chlorogenic acid and caffeine that neutralize odors. When using coffee grounds, it should be possible to combine it with the fragrance present in the bidet, neutralize it and wash it with a fresh and mist scent.