Air fryers provide many conveniences when preparing meals, but not everyone knows there are certain ‘taboo’ foods for air fryers, or that using them incorrectly can be harmful to your health.
Foods you should avoid putting in the air fryer:
Soft foods
Unless the soft food is frozen or pre-fried, you should avoid putting soft foods into the air fryer. Clearly, putting soft foods into the air fryer will create a messy situation inside, and the food will not crisp up as you might expect. If you want to make soft foods crispier, you can dip them in flour, egg, or breadcrumbs.
Fresh vegetables
Leafy greens like spinach may not cook evenly when hot air passes through at high temperatures. When choosing vegetables for the air fryer, try to pick heavier green vegetables, such as broccoli or zucchini. Kale can also be cooked in the air fryer if it is covered with enough oil and weight. Additionally, you can use frozen greens as they retain more moisture.
Frying whole pieces