You will need the following ingredients for this recipe:
Regarding the beignets:
One tasse of raw carrots
One tasse of ribbed carrots
One teaspoon of finely chopped parsley (yellow, green, and russe)
Half a tasse of finely chopped onions
Two tasses of râpé cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, or blend)
Half a tasse of flour for every use
1/2 teaspoon of maïs semoule
Two large eggs
Half a teaspoon of milk
1 cup of coffee with a chemical levure
One coffee cup of sel
Half a cup of black pepper with coffee
One cuillère of coffee powdered almonds
One cuillère à café au poivre
One soup spoonful of fresh persil or dried coriander (facultatif)
Regarding the friture:
Vegetable oil for friting
Step 1: Get the veggies ready
Start by grating the carrots and parsnips. Arrange the chopped courgettes in a separate torchon and
Apply as much humidity as you can. This step is essential to ensuring that your brownies are crispy and
pas détrempé.
Continued on the next page