Few know it! This is the easiest way to thread the needle, using a clothes pin!



  1. Prepare the Bronze Wire:
    • Take a piece of bronze thread about 10 cm long. This wire can be easily obtained from any old cable you have at home. Simply remove the plastic covering and extract one of the internal threads.
  2. Form the Threader:
    • Fold the brass thread in half, creating a small bow at one end. Make sure the loop is small enough to easily pass through the eye of the needle, but large enough so you can pass the sewing thread through it.
  3. Attach the Threader to the Clasp:
    • Open the clothing clasp and place the end of the folded brass thread in the center of the clasp, so that it is secured when the clasp is closed.
    • Use a drop of instant glue to secure the brass thread to the brooch, making sure the loop is free and sticks out from the brooch. Let the glue dry completely before using it.
  4. Thread the Needle:
    • Insert the loop of brass thread through the eye of the needle. This loop should pass easily due to its rigidity and proper size.
    • Pass the sewing thread through the brass thread loop. Now, simply pull the clasp back, dragging the sewing thread through the eye of the needle.

Additional Tips

  • Keep the Brooch in Good Condition: Make sure the brass thread is securely secured to the brooch to prevent it from coming loose during use.
  • Adjust Loop Size: If the brass thread loop is too large or small, adjust its size so it works optimally with your sewing needles and threads.
  • Use Glue Sparingly: Don’t apply too much glue, as this could make it difficult to open and close the clasp.

This clever trick not only makes threading needles a much easier task, but it also reuses materials that would normally be thrown away. Try this method and see how it makes your sewing projects easier!