Here’s How to Whiten Yellow Teeth, Remove Plaque and Tartar BuildupBeautiful teeth are always synonymous with beauty but also with good dental hygiene. Indeed, our smile can beautify us or make us ugly, depending on the state of our teeth. Among the problems that our teeth generally suffer from, we find the accumulation of tartar, dental plaque or even the yellowing of the teeth which remains unsightly. Dental plaque: Dental plaque is made up of bacteria that produce acids that attack tooth enamel and can damage gums. It develops when food debris and bacteria are not effectively removed by regular brushing. It forms a clear to light yellow deposit on the teeth. This could be the main cause of many oral hygiene problems. Tartar: Tartar is the result of a calcification process of dental plaque. It can appear on the teeth or under the gums when dental plaque is not treated quickly. It then becomes difficult to get rid of and we often resort to a specialist to eliminate it. Yellow teeth: Often, teeth turn yellow following contact with a certain number of products. The dyes in these products thus attach themselves to the surface of the teeth and alter their natural coloring. However, there are people who are born with naturally yellow teeth, this is called intrinsic coloring as opposed to extrinsic coloring, due to external factors. Several factors are at the origin of the yellowing of teeth, we can cite: tobacco, certain medications in particular antidepressants, antihistamines, and medications against hypertension, tea, coffee, liquorice, wine, sodas, red fruits. We can add to this the factor of heredity and aging. Read more on next page


So, we often resort to dental care, performed by a specialist to alleviate this inconvenience. However, we can resort to homemade preparations to eliminate them and the most useful and popular tool is baking soda but also hydrogen peroxide.

Baking soda has many therapeutic virtues, particularly for oral problems such as canker sores, cavities, yellowing of the teeth and bad breath.

Hydrogen peroxide, also called “oxygenated water”, is an acid that has antiseptic properties as well as a whitening effect. In fact, many mouthwashes contain a little hydrogen peroxide.

So for these remedies, we will need:
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1 tablespoon of baking soda
½ teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
Antiseptic mouthwash
A little warm water
Dental floss
A toothbrush
4. Use an antiseptic mouthwash to rinse your mouth. You can do this every other day. Mouthwash, used before or after brushing, can limit tartar deposits.

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