Natural honey with olive oil and lemon – this elixir regenerates tissues at the cellular level.
This elixir works both internally and externally.
Ingredients for preparation are readily available:
natural honey, lemon juice and olive oil.
All three products are very healing and healthy, but in this combination they become a real synergistic elixir that prevents premature aging and fights a bunch of disease states.
Consumption of this mixture contributes to:
cleaning the internal organs from any toxic deposits
sand and kidney stones melt and dissolve
the work of the bile improves
the liver is freed from toxins and begins to perform its function better
skin is clean and shiny
the whole organism is regenerated and rejuvenated
strengthens the immune system
cleanses the blood of toxins
prevents many diseases
Therefore, it is quite often mentioned that this drink is a rejuvenating elixir or elixir of youth.
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