How to use red thread for spiritual and physical protection?
What are other symbols to ward off the evil eye?
In all civilizations, symbols are designed to ward off evil, including the envious eye that we can wear on us. Among them, the blue eye originating from Ancient Greece, is used to ward off this jealousy that can harm us and come from loved ones unconsciously. The Amulet of Nazar is also often in Turkish homes. Whether houses, cars, shops, this small object serves as a talisman that would also have the power to bring luck. Today, many people wear it without knowing its meaning in accessories, decoration or even clothing. Like this popular blue eye, the hand of Fatima also comes from this Mediterranean culture . Shared by Jews and Muslims, it also protects against the evil of negative emotions felt by others. For Sephardim, this talisman is powerful because the number 5 has virtues to fight against the evil eye and the hand serves as a shield. Muslims attribute this object to Fatima, the daughter of the prophet Mohammed. The number 5 would refer to the 5 pillars of the Muslim religion