Italian Crescent Casserole Recipe


How to prepare the casserole for Italian mezzaluna:

Start cooking at 375°F.
In one pad, mix the carne macinata cotta and add it to the pasta. Leave the mist until it boils at medium-high heat. Ricordatevi di dargli una belle mescolata ogni tanto.
Between the meat and the salsa if scaldano, separate gli involtini a mezzaluna in otto triangoli. Place the triangles in a 9-inch glass pan on the bottom of the glass pan, available at random, with the point of the strip so that it is placed on the edge of the piatto of around 3 shots. First place the impasto on top of the base of the dish to form a crust and save 1 cup of Italian miscelain to be scraped from the impasto.
Once the meat and salsa mixture is riscaldate, pour it evenly into the tortiera shape.
Carry the point of the impasto on the bank in any case if it is not in the center, you will not be able to do so. Spread the remaining ½ cup of Italian formaggio mist and leave the basil fog to dry sopra.

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