Magic Anti-Aging Oil: Coffee Oil That Erases Wrinkles and Is More Powerful Than Botox!


1/2 cup coffee grounds (preferably organic, fresh, or used)
1/2 cup carrier oil (jojoba oil, olive oil, or sweet almond oil)
Make the coffee and oil mixture: Combine the coffee grounds and carrier oil in a clean, dry glass jar.
Steep the oil: Seal the jar and let the mixture sit in a warm place, like a sunny windowsill, for about 1 to 2 weeks. Shake the jar daily to make sure the coffee is infusing into the oil.
Strain the oil: After 1 to 2 weeks, strain the mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to separate the coffee grounds from the oil.
Store the coffee oil: Pour the steeped coffee oil into a clean, airtight container. Store it in a cool, dark place and it will keep for up to 6 months.