Mutton stew with turnips
In a casserole dish or sauté pan, brown the pieces of mutton with the lard. Brown each side of the meat then flour and let brown gently for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the chopped garlic and heat. Then wet the meat with water until it is completely covered. Add the tomato sauce, the bouquet garni then salt and pepper to your liking. Cover and cook the mutton stew for 45 minutes over low heat.
Meanwhile, peel the turnips with a paring knife and cut them into quarters. Do the same with the onions. In a frying pan with the butter, brown the pieces of turnips and onions.
After 45 minutes of cooking the mutton stew, add the vegetables to the preparation then cook for another 45 minutes. Degrease, remove the bouquet garni then serve immediately in a dish, the mutton stew with turnips.