My grandmother and aunts used to make this when I was young.”
Prepare your oven for baking at 325°F (163°C).
Preheat a 2-quart baking dish or use nonstick spray to coat each ramekin.
For five minutes, whip the custard:
The eggs, sweetened condensed milk, salt, boiling water and vanilla extract should all be whisked together in a large bowl.
Mix and smooth the ingredients by whisking them together.
After 45 to 60 minutes, pour and bake:
Pour the custard mixture into the preheated baking dish or divide it evenly among the ramekins.
Be sure to use a larger baking dish to place the dish or ramekins in.
Carefully fill the larger dish halfway up the sides of the custard dish with boiling water.
After 45 to 60 minutes of baking in a preheated oven, the custard should be cooked through and a knife inserted into the center should come out clean. Once the custard has set, it should still have a little jiggly center.