No-Oven Stovetop Bread 🍞πŸ”₯ Ingredients: 2 Β½ cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon instant yeast ⬛️ Full Recipe: 🟨 C.o.m.m.e.n.t #1 πŸŸ¨πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ πŸ˜‹πŸ€© Voir moins


Is peeling hard-boiled eggs becoming a hassle? You’re not alone! While hard-boiled eggs are a healthy and versatile food, cracking open their shells can be frustrating. If you’ve ever dealt with a jumbled mass of cracked shells, prepare to be delighted by French celebrity chef Jacques PΓ©pin’s secret weapon that will change your cooking forever.

Peeled hard-boiled eggs can be a major nuisance, with shells that adhere stubbornly to the egg white. When you try to peel them, they often tear, resulting in a messy situation. But worry not! Jacques PΓ©pin has an amazing solution.

One simple tweak to your cooking method yields perfectly peeled hard-boiled eggs every time. Instead of hoping for the best, Jacques PΓ©pin suggests poking a tiny hole in the broad side of the eggshell before dropping it into boiling water. It’s that easy!

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