Pancarré alla parmigiana: the recipe for a delicious and super fibrous dish


Once cooked, remove the parmigiana from the oven, arrange it on a plate and serve it hot and stringy 11.
Versatile and tasty, the parmigiana bread can be seasoned with anything you like or have available: for example,
mozzarella and anchovies are a winning combination dish; scamorza can be replaced with smoked provola or another type of cheese, and cooked ham can be replaced with raw ham or tips. You can also add some slices of vegetables to make it even more nutritious and colorful.

For convenience, you can buy ready-made bread, even in the wholemeal version, or you can prepare it at home according to our recipe.

Practical and quick, this parmigiana bread can be prepared in advance, stored in the refrigerator and baked in the oven just before serving. Likewise, it can be frozen for several weeks, left to defrost in the refrigerator, then continue cooking.

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