Removing bleach stains? It’s no longer a problem! Discover the effective method with us!


The remedy that not everyone knows to remove bleach stains is to use a product that we usually use to drink or consume at the end of a meal or as an aperitif. What is it? Vodka! This alcohol is able to remove bleach stains, thanks to the ethanol it contains, which can neutralize the whitening effect of bleach. The use of cotton is necessary for the preparation or, in any case, a piece of clean and absorbent cotton. We recommend that you only act on a limited area of ​​​​fabric beforehand to avoid further possible damage. However, in very rare cases, unwanted chemical reactions may occur. Then, we soak the cotton in vodka, making sure that it is not too wet. At this point, we begin to gently rub the area.

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