Revitalize Your Liver with Grandma’s 3-Day Cleanse


This recipe for Grandma’s Liver Cleanse is simple, but it takes dedication to stick to it for three days. Follow these steps to make and take this all-natural cure:
Two garlic bulbs, peeled and minced, with the juice of two lemons, should be mixed together.

Stir add the baking soda, measuring out one teaspoon.

Add 125 milliliters of honey and stir until combined.

For three days straight, take a spoonful of this concoction first thing in the morning without food.

What to Expect: Throughout the three days of the cleanse, you may experience a variety of physical changes, including heightened energy levels and altered digestion, as your body adjusts to the new normal. You shouldn’t be worried about these symptoms since they indicate that your body is flushing out pollutants. Nevertheless, it is essential to pay attention to your body; if you feel any pain, you should think about changing the dosage or seeing a doctor.

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