You’ve probably noticed a small white spot when opening a raw egg, and you may have wondered what it was. This often confusing spot is called a chalaza, and it plays an important role in the egg, especially for the proper development of the embryo. But don’t panic, even if you see it in an unfertilized egg, it is neither dangerous nor harmful.
The chalaza: what is it exactly?
The chalaza is a small, thread-like protein structure found in fresh eggs. It appears as two cords, one above and one below the yolk, and its function is to keep the yolk centered in the white. Composed of mucus and proteins, it prevents the yolk from breaking by keeping it suspended in the egg.
Nutrition expert Lydia Mammar explains: “Chalaza is completely harmless and disappears when cooked, blending into the egg white. Its role is essential for the structure of the egg, and it is also an indicator of freshness.”