You’ve never had such great-smelling laundry: grandmothers’ trick revealed


First of all, avoid overloading the washing machine with too many clothes: this will not only ruin the fabrics but also prevent optimal cleaning of the garments. Always remember to follow the instructions on the maximum amount of load in the manual of your washing machine;
Another useful device is the addition of citric acid in the detergent tray or softener: this natural ingredient helps remove stubborn stains and eliminate unpleasant odors from tissues;
If you have particularly delicate or difficult to treat items, you can use baking soda as an additive along with your usual detergent. This natural product will make your garments softer and will help to remove stains more difficult;
Finally, always remember that choosing the right detergent is crucial to getting a perfect laundry. Choose a specific product based on your needs (for example, for colored or white linen) and avoid those too cheap that could damage your fabrics over time.
By following these simple tips you will get a fragrant and clean laundry every time.

The trick of grandmothers to have a laundry scented and sanitized is really effective and economical. Not only can you save on detergent costs, but you can also achieve better results thanks to the whitening action of toothpaste. Remember to follow all the tips listed above to clean your washing machine and gasket in order to ensure a longer life of the appliances and a perfect laundry. Try this ancient method now and you will not be able to do without the freshness of your laundry.