Flower Power: 8 Benefits of Cloves You Probably Didn’t Know About


7. Makes Bones Stronger

An increasing number of people are worried about their bone health, particularly since osteoporosis is so common among the elderly. Studies have shown that eugenol may help protect bone density, and cloves contain manganese, an important component for bone growth. As of now, there isn’t enough evidence to draw firm conclusions, but eating cloves may help prevent osteoporosis and build stronger bones.

Lowers the Risk of Gastric Ulcers
Constant abdominal discomfort is a hallmark of ulcers.

Disabling stomach ulcers are painful sores that form on the lining of the stomach. The eugenol in cloves suggests they could be useful in the treatment of these ulcers. Animal studies have shown that they may lessen the likelihood of stomach ulcers by increasing the production of gastric mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. Although further human studies are required, new scientific data is lending credence to this long-held belief in cloves’ medicinal properties.

Embrace the addition of cloves without hesitation.

Cloves aren’t simply a taste bomb; they’re an adaptable spice with ma

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