Recipe: Oatmeal Cookies with Carrot, Nuts and Seeds


Oatmeal cookies with carrots, nuts and seeds are a delicious alternative to traditional sweets, perfect for a healthy breakfast or a nutritious snack during the day. This recipe combines the natural sweetness of carrots with the crunchiness of nuts and the unique taste of seeds, creating a perfect balance of flavors and textures. Easy to prepare and suitable for the whole family, these cookies are also rich in fiber, vitamins and good fats.

Ingredients for about 20 biscuits

Ingredient Quantity
Oat flour 150 g
Oat flakes 100 g
Grated carrots 100 g
Chopped walnuts 50 g
Semi misti (girasole, zucca) 40 g
Zucchero di canna 70 g
Uova 1
Olio di semi 50 ml
Lievito in polvere 1 cucchiaino
Cannella in polvere 1/2 cucchiaino
Sale Un pizzico

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